
Hello!, my name is

Enrique Carranza

I’m a Software Engineer & Mentor

I like to create things that help people and companies with their daily tasks (usually with web technologies). I achieve all this with programming and teaching with everything i learn everyday.

Perfil Enrique Carranza

- Obtaining excellent results is a consequence of turning everything we do into our greatest passion - enrique.carranza@keypro.com.mx

01. About me

Hi!, I'm Enrique Carranza (DarkHawk21). Nice to meet you.

It was 2013 when I decided that the C language would be my first way of telling a computer what it could do for me, I remember that I spent my first years of learning focused on computer technical support, first laptops, then desktop computers, and I even got to work with printers haha!

After a while I realized that developing tools that make the lives of people and companies more productive was something that motivated me to continue learning.

In 2018 I started a venture called "Eneredchi's web", where I sought to facilitate people's tasks with what I liked so much; develop software and now with the web.

In 2019 I sought to form a team that had the same desire as me to satisfy our customers; so I founded "KeyPro" successor to my first venture and where we currently provide solutions to those who trust us.

And well... here I am, almost 5 years later since I started this great journey as an independent developer, I have worked remotely and face-to-face with different companies in the sector in different branches of computer engineering, and recently more than 2 years; as a mentor, but more on that below. do you follow me?

Enrique Carranza

02. My workspaces in time

  • As technician
  • As developer
  • As mentor

Grupo PROMASS Senior Fullstack Developer

November 2023 - Present

  Design and development of frontend and backend projects for two of the giant warehouses in Mexico. REST APIs, Databases, AWS and more.

  Consulting and leadership of projects related to language processing (BOTs) with WhatsApp.

  Implementation and maintenance of new technologies in existing internal systems flows.


Coppel Senior developer

January 2023 - July 2023

  I worked as a developer of two internal company tools; "Voice Commerce", an Amazon Alexa skill and "Dashboard", the Coppel application CMS for Android and iOS.

  Planning and implementation of refactoring in the Dashboard, achieving greater performance and better scalability in the system.


ChooseIbri Fullstack web developer

June 2022 - June 2023

  I worked as a backend developer (APIS and microservices) of the company's two main products; "iFreedoms" and "KeepUpdated.Tv".

  I was technical leader of the backend team in the "KeepUpdated.Tv" project.

FES Aragón

FES Aragón Fullstack Developer

July 2021 - Present

  Technology consulting and development of new sites and microwebsites.

  Maintenance and development of existing sites, among which the main faculty portal stands out.

  I am working in the area of Social Communication, where I'm the non official technical lead.


DIT MX Junior web developer

March 2020 - September 2022

  Web developer of complex web systems ranging from design, development, implementation and administration of both architecture and databases.

  Web developer in customer service of administrative systems.

  SEO Specialist on the main website.


KeyPro CEO & Technical Lead

December 2018 - Present

  As CEO and Co-Founder of my startup, I have had to be in roles such as Technical Lead, Fullstack Developer, Software Architect and DevOps as well. I have worked in each of the areas to grow.

  Consulting, development of sites, mobile applications, and web platforms, relationship with client and system design.

  I have managed, together with my team, to position our work in systems with national companies such as MOEN Consultores; and international, such as IHR México and The Crafters.

Prepa 9 UNAM

ENP 9 Pedro de Alba UNAM Social service

January 2018 - February 2019

  Developer of the Media Library Registration for Entry and Exit system (RMEYS) 2018.

  Technology consultant.

  Database administrator of the campus Media Library computer system.


Freelancer Software Engineer

March 2017 - Present

  Desktop application developer with technologies such as Java, Python, C and Electron.

  School application developer with React Native or Flutter for mobile devices.

  SEO analyst for websites. Software architect.

03. My work reflected in the web

The Crafters | Platform

An online platform for the reservation of physical spaces.

The Crafters platform

A custom development for The Crafters company. In addition to reservations, it allows you to manage the content of the website, obtain metrics, provide customer support, among other functions.


Disegit | PWA

A Progressive Web Application for monitoring spaces.

Disegit PWA

An application developed and customized for the company Disegit. In addition to the qualification of spaces, it allows you to generate and send status reports, among other functions.

VueJS Laravel MVC Webpack SASS REST

Pizarrones Plata | Quoter

Web application to generate quotes.

Pizarrones Plata Quoter

A web application developed for the company Pizarrones Plata. In addition to creating quotes, it allows you to obtain them in pdf and modify their sections in real time, among other functions.


Some other projects
I have developed


Official website for my main business. Software development, database administration, SEO and more.

Pizarrones Plata Website

Official website for the company Pizarrones Plata chairs, tables, desks, blackboards and more.

PHP Java Script HTML5 CSS3
Monarca de México website

Official website the dance company Monarca de México mexican folk and contemporary dance and more.

PHP Java Script HTML5 SASS

04. Some things i know

I am doing better now
using these technology stacks


self-taught responsable engaged seriousness professional organization analysis creativity leadership trust transmission adaptability teamwork

Start a project

Interested in working together? We should chat. I'll buy the coffee.

Let's do this

05. I'm proud to collaborate with

Digital House
MOEN Consultores
IHR México
FES Aragón
Pizarrones Plata
Prepa 9 UNAM
The Crafters
PIMEX Ingeniería
El Michi Abarrotero
Dev Phantom
Action Returns
Monarca de México

People I've worked with have said some nice things...

Pizarrones Plata

“The page that Enrique made was wonderful, I like that he is a young entrepreneur with many ideas and creativity, passionate about technology that is advancing more and more.”

Alejandra Lazcari

CEO, Pizarrones Plata

06. Get In Touch

I’m interested in freelance opportunities. However, if you have other request or question, don’t hesitate to use the form.